Billy + Margot Dry Dog Food with Salmon and Superfood
Wholesome, grain-free dog food
Packed with quality single animal human grade salmon as well as nourishing and delicious superfoods and holistic ingredients
Salmon contains an almost perfect amino acid profile to support every single cell in the body.
Salmon is a novel protein that makes it a healthy low sensitivity alternative.
Designed by renowned nutritionist and proud dog parent, Marie Jones
Packed with nutritious ingredients and delicious flavours, this grain-free, Single Animal Protein dry dog food can be the foundation of your dog's nutrition and, together with water, is all your dog requires for a complete diet. Each ingredient in the dry dog food is specifically chosen for its uniqueness, dynamism and efficacy.
Suitable for adult dogs aged 15 months+. All dogs are individuals and this is a guide only. Daily requirements may vary with breed, age and activity level. We suggest monitoring your dog's weight and adjusting amounts as required.
Adult Daily Feeding Guide:
Dog Weight = g/day
5- 10kg = 85-145g/day
11-25 kg = 155 - 285g/day
26-45kg = 285 - 445g/day
46-80kg = 450-615g/day
71+kg = 625g/day