Pet Remedy offers a new and natural way of tackling stress and anxiety, several years of research and trials have resulted in a unique formula using low concentration Valerian essential oil, blended with Vetiver, Sweet Basil, and Sage.
Pet Remedy works alongside the brain’s natural messengers called neuro-transmitters, which work by telling the nerve receiving the message either to calm (via GABA pathway) or get ‘fired up’. In times of stress or anxiety the nerves get over stimulated, which leads on to the many different signs of stress we see in our pets.
The special Pet Remedy blend of essentials oils works alongside these natural relaxation pathways to help calm the nerves of anxious or stressed pets, ideal for pets including dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, rodents and birds.
The Pet Remedy Pet Calming Mini Spray can be used in conjunction with the Pet Remedy plug-in diffuser, it's a perfect handy size to keep in your pocket, handbag or glove compartment.
Use the Pet Remedy Calming Mini Spray sparingly, do not spray near pet's mouth, nose, or eyes. The Pet Remedy Calming Spray can be applied directly on bandanas, bedding, carpet, soft furnishings, in car, stable, or horsebox. You can even rub a little on the pet’s muzzle or chest or on your clothing if handling an anxious pet.
The Pet Remedy Calming Spray will start working immediately, helping to calm your pet and allowing your pet to become more attentive and receptive to you.
Larger 200ml Calming Sprays are also available to purchase from Kennelgate Pet Superstores.
Stress in pets can be triggered by:
Separation /Alone at home
New pet in home
New home
Changes in home
Loud noises
Visit to Vets?
Loss of companion
Change in routine
Signs of stress in pets include:
Behaviour change
Over grooming
Lack of interaction
Loss of appetite